Derailing the Revolution

May 28, 2023  Message Big Idea The early Church faced great external opposition which sought to stifle it at every turn. However, it was internal failure which placed the movement at greatest risk! The troubling account of Ananias and Sapphira reminds us of the constant duplicity within the human heart. It can lead us to discount the threat of spiritual attack, minimize God’s …

Burning Hearts

May 21, 2023  Message Big Idea When Jesus was put on trial before his crucifixion, he was brought before a group called the Sanhedrin (Matt 27:12). This was the highest governing body for all Jewish people. In Acts chapter 4, we meet the same group, but now Peter and John are on the hot seat! They are ready with all …

Spiritual Practice of the Week: Weekly Reading Plan 6

Weekly Reading Plan Acts is a long book, and we won’t be able to study every verse of it during each of these sessions. This reading plan will help you familiarize yourself with the entirety of the book so that you can dig more deeply into God’s Word. This week, use this reading Acts 15-21. We are peeking ahead and …

The Big Embrace

May 14, 2023  Message Big Idea There is more than one way to approach Jesus. Some approach arrogantly. Some do so casually. And some even approach him indifferently. So, when a desperate Father and a sickly woman come to him vulnerably, faithfully seeking help in their circumstances, we see Jesus respond with tenderness and care. Furthermore, he is powerful enough …

Spiritual Practice of the Week: Weekly Reading Plan 5

Weekly Reading Plan Acts is a long book, and we won’t be able to study every verse of it during each of these sessions. This reading plan will help you familiarize yourself with the entirety of the book so that you can dig more deeply into God’s Word. This week, use this reading Acts 15-21. We are peeking ahead and …

Gone…But Stronger Than Ever

May 7, 2023  Message Big Idea I saw a creative billboard that simply said,  “You know that ‘love your enemy thing’? I really meant it! – God – Sometimes we can begin to look at those who oppose the message of Christ as our enemies. We can take an adversarial posture and forget that God’s desire is for everyone to …

Spiritual Practice of the Week: Weekly Reading Plan 4

Weekly Reading Plan Acts is a long book, and we won’t be able to study every verse of it during each of these sessions. This reading plan will help you familiarize yourself with the entirety of the book so that you can dig more deeply into God’s Word. This week, use this reading Acts 8-12. We are peeking ahead and …

The Secret Sauce Of The Revolution

April 30, 2023  Message Big Idea Luke loves to use the word “devoted” when speaking of the new community of God’s people, the church. Devotion clearly gives the sense of a binding promise or pledge… somewhat like marriage vows. As followers of Jesus, our lives are about being devoted to God and to each other. This is serious business! In …

Spiritual Practice of the Week: Weekly Reading Plan 3

Weekly Reading Plan Acts is a long book, and we won’t be able to study every verse of it during each of these sessions. This reading plan will help you familiarize yourself with the entirety of the book so that you can dig more deeply into God’s Word. This week, use this reading guide to break up Acts 3–7. We …

When God Does a New Thing

April 23, 2023  Message Big Idea As Christians, we are a part of the same church that began on the day of Pentecost, called to spread the story of Jesus around the world. In our head, we need to know that we have a Holy Spirit-empowered role to play in building God’s church. In our heart, we need to feel …