Come & See Groups

Come & See

The church calendar season of Lent is a time to fix our eyes on Jesus and to prepare our hearts for the remembrance of Good Friday and the celebration of Easter. This year, we will turn our attention to the Gospel of John. People did crazy things when they met Jesus! Whenever people crossed paths with Jesus, the encounter always …

Flourishing Families: Flourishing Grandparents

February 27, 2022 – Pastor Mark Albrecht Message Big Idea – Grandparents are an integral part of every family.  They are members who bring value when they are honored and given a platform to share wisdom. They are important partners in establishing and sharing faith and add exponential significance as they share blessings and inheritance. Grandparents are a vital part …

Flourishing Families: Flourishing Teenagers

February 13, 2022 – Pastor Drew Litwiller Message Big Idea – Teenagers are a gift from God, both to a family and a church. As we model a life of faith with teenagers, we learn that God is trustworthy for wisdom and guidance. We then can take an intentional approach of forming teens into disciples of Jesus, aimed at dismantling …

Flourishing Families: Flourishing Men

February 20, 2022 – Pastor Mark Albrecht Message Big Idea – Men are designed with the need to win. Our sinful nature can tempt us to bend that in a selfish way. Christian men, however, win at marriage, work, parenting, mission and reputation. Other centeredness is the key to winning in each of these areas and therefore life. This life …

Flourishing Families: Flourishing Women

February 6, 2022 – Pastor Dawn Hayman Romans 16:1-5 Series Big Idea –  In Matthew 7, Jesus talks about building our lives on a firm foundation. He refers to himself as “the rock” upon which our feet are to be grounded. Essentially, he is saying that he is the center of our lives. The same holds true for our family …