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Sundays at 9AM & 10:45AMPrevious Messages
Jesus Is Asked The Question of Our Time
"What is truth?" Pilate asked. (John 18:38)
In a 'live and let live' sort of way, Pilate is perha...
The Vine and The Branches
The key action in this passage is to “remain”. It is translated in different ways: to stay, to abide...
Jesus' Most Powerful Word Picture
In the last chapter of this fascinating story of Jesus and his encounters with people, the Pharisees...
Jesus and the Man Who Couldn't See
Encounters matter. Encounters with Jesus matter even more! As Jesus traveled with his disciples, the...
Empowered by the Spirit
The believer’s relationship with the Holy Spirit is an active experience. The Holy Spirit fills thos...
Live by the Spirit - A Life Worth Pursuing
The Christian life is one of tension. However, in His perfect obedience, Jesus sets us free from the...
Born of the Spirit
In John 3, Jesus teaches us how to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He informs a religious leader that n...