Demonstrating the heart of Jesus as we
Serve Together

Missional Experiences
and the Discipleship PathwayMissional experiences are part of the growth and testimony of a follower of Jesus. When we serve, we activate our time, abilities, and resources for a life of purpose. Every act of service is an expression of God’s love and an opportunity to meet needs, alleviate pain and bring hope in Jesus' name.

Join a Common Cause for Local Good
What is a Common Cause?Common Cause groups consist of like-minded followers of Jesus that share a passion to make a difference in a specific area and serve a defined people or affinity group. They demonstrate the love of Jesus by meeting the needs of individuals in a specific way tailored to this group of people or cause.
Want to learn how to start a common Cause?
Common Cause Training is coming in 2023!This 4-week course is an introduction to forming a common cause group and is ideal for those on the Activate and Advance Pathway.
Gather & Serve
Plan your group/family Mission experience. Small groups and families are encouraged to arrange a time to serve with a Common Cause or at one of the local/regional options listed below. We suggest the following strategy when deciding how and where to serve.
NB Local Mission Partners
Other Local Serving Opportunities

Join an advocacy Team for Global Good
What is an Advocacy Team?An Advocacy Team is a group of Northbridge people committed to supporting one of our mission partners. This team takes responsibility to coordinate our church’s support and encouragement of one of our Mission Partners and to serve as their representatives to the NorthBridge Church body. The team is our primary link between the mission partner and the rest of our church.
2023 Global Missions Trips
Ideal for those on the Activate and Advance pathways ... provide more detail description as to why investigate missions trips.
Mission trip interest forms must be submitted by December 31, 2022.
Hope RenewedJune 8-15, 2023
This trip is for high school students and adult chaperone team members.
Lagos, Nigeria
Life BuildersJune 9-19, 2023
Our visit to Life Builders, Nigeria, will begin with a focus on relationships. The core of our trip is to encourage one another. Along with this emphasis, we will bring a variety of gifts and skills to share with our brothers and sisters. Areas of emphasis included: medical treatment/ care, educational instruction, a potential sports camp, and just loving on the children of Life Builders. This trip is a great way for you to stretch yourself, grow your faith and trust in God.
East London area of South Africa
ZEMAAugust 5-15, 2023
The ZEMA missions trip is focused on sharing your faith. Teaching Amazioni leaders with ZEBs training in biblical doctrine and systematic theology. You'll work with students in schools sharing your testimony and the gospel, build relationships one-on-one or in groups, and share with music. There is opportunities for discipleship with local women's groups, skill training (depending on your experience) and getting involved with some hands on projects.
Hope RenewedAugust 2023
This trip is for adults and families with middle and high school students. The team will interact with and minister to the preschool ministry and families. Additionally, they will support the women's sewing micro business efforts.

Looking to take your next missional step through serving at northBridge?
One of the best ways to get connected at NorthBridge is to get involved. Each week, over 200 people serve in our ministries. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we have a place for you. Discover what so many of our volunteers have found: there is a joy in being a part of the mission at NorthBridge.