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Sundays at 9AM & 10:45AMPrevious Messages
Almost There
Summer is quickly coming to an end, and we are running towards Fall 2022. For over 20+ years here at...
Time Spent in God's Presence...Priceless
Everyday we are all faced with making the choices around how we will spend the 1440 minutes provided...
Life Through Knowing Jesus
Whether now or later, everyone has to figure out what to do with Jesus Christ. If we reject Him, we ...
Repeat Love
God is love. If we are His children, we should do love. As we love, He participates and brings His l...
The Practice of Discernment
We live in the age of what some call post-truth. Truth doesn’t matter. Feelings matter. We see this ...
How to Spot a Christian
God saw that we had gotten ourselves into a big mess in the world, with each other, with ourselves a...
The Love of the Father
God is a loving Father. In His love, he has given us a new identity, the right to be called a child ...
Remain in the Anointed One
Jesus is the Christ, which means Anointed One. Through His anointing, we receive an anointing from H...
The Love God Hates
John wrote, in no uncertain terms, that if we claim to know and love God, we must show this by doing...
Walking in the Light
Today’s society, like the time of John, is filled with several teachings and mindsets that are contr...
An Introduction to 1 John
Followers of Jesus want to take stock of how they are growing in every season of their lives. This k...
To Tremble at God’s Word
If you have ever gone into a court of law, you will have to admit that it creates uneasy feelings fe...
Cherishing God's Wondrous Word
God’s Word speaks to me, strengthens me, directs me, and reveals God to me. When the Psalmist consid...
How to Cherish God’s Word
To cherish someone means to treat with great affection, to lovingly protect and care for someone or ...
Could God Ever Use Someone Like Me?
Mother's Day is a day of celebration when we often hear the stories of amazing women like Hannah, Es...