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Sundays at 9AM & 10:45AMPrevious Messages
Shoes of Peace
In our final week of the Gear Up Series, we focus on the Shoes of Peace. Peace serves as a stabilizi...
The Helmet of Salvation
Just as a helmet protects a soldier's brain, the helmet of salvation guards our minds. This helmet, ...
The Sword of the Spirit
The Armor of God has 5 protective pieces of equipment and also 1 offensive weapon - The Sword of the...
The Shield of Faith
Similar to how algorithms analyze and exploit user behavior, Satan carefully observes our vulnerabil...
The Breastplate of Righteousness
We recognize the vital role of our physical heart, but what about our spiritual heart? Take a look i...
The Belt of Truth
Because of the onset of AI, Deep Fakes, Russian Disinformation, and slanted-reporting, it has become...
Exposing the Enemy
Discover the truth behind the struggles we face every day. From wars and injustice to personal battl...
A Nurturer for All
On Mother's Day, we honor the multiple ways women nurture their families, friends, and communities. ...
Jesus the Friend
We think of Jesus as a great teacher and leader, but have you ever thought of him as the model of fr...
From Acquaintance-ing to Friend-ing
In the world of social media, we all have many "friends." But how do you turn casual acquaintances i...
Five Friends Everyone Needs
The Apostle Paul was a visionary, hard-working leader with an ambitious mission. You would think he ...
Life Hacks for Friend-ing
In the second week of the "Friend-ing" series, we looked deeper into the essence of friendship, expl...
Our Epidemic of Loneliness
Despite having 24/7 connectivity, Americans are lonelier now than at any time in history. But frien...
The Easter-Shaped Life
Easter stands as the paramount day for those who follow Jesus. Its significance lies not only in the...
The King Who Serves: The Paradox of the Kingdom
In Sunday's Sermon, Dr. John David explored the significance of Jesus's entry into Jerusalem on Palm...