Maundy Thursday Seder Experience
March 28 | 6:30 – Doors Open at 6:00pm | Registration closes March 20th
Maundy Thursday – also called “Holy Thursday” – is part of the Christian celebration of Easter and marks the night Jesus invited his disciples to the upper room to share in what we now know as the Holy Communion.
Join us for “Christ in the Passover: An Interactive Experience” led by a missionary from Jews for Jesus. This family-friendly event explores the connection between the Jewish feast of Passover and the last supper shared by Jesus with His disciples. The missionary will use Scripture as well as visual items to walk us through a Jewish Passover Seder, weaving the story of the Exodus together with the life, death and resurrection of Christ.
We invite you to join us on “Holy Thursday” for this memorable experience!
Childcare is available (free of charge) for kids Birth-1st grade
**Please note this is NOT a meal, it is a sharing of the seder elements followed by dessert.
Interested in volunteering with Maundy Thursday Seder Experience? Let us know HERE