Guatemala Fundraiser

Gather your friends and join us for a Trivia Luncheon! Compete against other tables as you raise support for the student missions trip to Guatemala this June. Prizes will be given for 1st and 2nd place teams!

Sign up with your own team of 6-8 people OR as an individual and be placed on a team, all are welcome!

Cost: $80 per team or $15 per individual


Why Guatemala?

2 ½ years ago, NorthBridge became partners with Hope Renewed, a great ministry in Guatemala that serves the vulnerable. Guatemala is one of the poorest nations in the world! It is estimated that nearly half of the population lives on less than $2 per day and 15% on less than $1 per day. Guatemala’s social development indicators, such as infant mortality, chronic child malnutrition, and illiteracy are among the worst in the Western hemisphere. We believe God has called us to remember to serve the poor (Gal. 2:10).

Why now?

After becoming partners, COVID hit and disrupted our plans to send 2 NorthBridge trips in 2020 to serve those in need. Now, because of COVID, the needs are even greater in Guatemala. We’re going to serve kids at a Montessori school next to the slum and provide them with computers and supplies for their lessons. We will also serve students in a scholarship program. Education is a key to breaking the cycles of poverty. 

This Trivia Luncheon is to raise awareness of our partners at Hope Renewed and to raise funds not only for our first official trip to Hope Renewed but Hope Renewed’s  first time to receive a short-term team after COVID. Please show your support of our student ministry and Guatemalan kids who need God’s love.

The event is finished.


May 01 2022


12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

More Info
