The Simple Method of Jesus

May 1, 2022 – Pastor Mark Albrecht

Note -> This reflection guide is designed as a self-study to allow you to learn more about the how and why’s of baptism.

Message Big Idea – Baptism is a celebration of your relationship with Jesus and your life with Christ. It is an opportunity to “identify” yourself as someone who has decided to follow Jesus. By being baptized, you are announcing that you are choosing to leave your former way of doing life on your own and entering into a new life with God. The practice of baptism is symbolic of this choice as you enter the water and are immersed, dying to the old way of life and coming out of the water, being raised to new life! By getting baptized, you are not declaring that you are perfect, have it all figured out, or have reached ‘super- Christian’ status. In fact, you’re saying almost the opposite. You are saying by this act, that because you have chosen to enter into a new life with Him, He will rescue you from the destructiveness of sin and brokenness and will begin the process of transforming you into the person He created you to be.

In addition, together with others who have decided to follow Jesus, we begin to experience what it means to function as a biblical community. In other words, we begin to relate with one another in new and life-giving ways. Your baptism, therefore, is a visible symbol of your “initiation” into God’s family, where we all stand on equal footing as brothers and sisters.

So this is a very special event. Whether you are a new follower of Jesus, or a veteran of the faith, your baptism should be a joyful, memorable experience. It represents a significant step in your relationship with God and with other believers, and it constitutes a strong statement to the world concerning who Jesus is to you and who you are to Him.

Discuss: What are you thoughts about baptism? Video –

What is the Meaning and Significance of Baptism?

  • What historical event does baptism symbolize? (1 Corinthians 15:3,4)
  • What does baptism symbolize? (Colossians 2:12)
  • Does baptism save us? (Ephesians 2:8,9)
  • How then are we saved?

Why be Baptized?

  • Who commanded the disciples to be baptized? (Matthew 28:19,20)
  • Whose example are we following when we are baptized? (Mark 1:9)
  • Who should be baptized? (Acts 2:41)