August 28, 2022 – Pastor Mark Albrecht
Message Big Idea – Engagement can be defined as the intentional occupying of one’s attention and efforts. As disciples, we are called to be engaged spiritually with Jesus and His kingdom. We are to occupy ourselves with His agenda. It is a costly endeavor to engage with the Creator and King. However, daily joy and rest are found exclusively in His gentle presence as he instructs us to live in rhythm with His humble heart.
Lean In:
- Take some time and share with each other: What are you grateful for today? What are you struggling with today?
- What is an activity or hobby that is naturally easy for you to engage in?
Look Down:
- Read Luke 9:23 and Matthew 11:28-29 (Read twice – ESV and either NLT or Message)
- Go around the group and briefly retell the passage in your own words.
- What word or phrase “jumped off the page” and intrigued you the most? Why?
Look Out:
- People like Elon Musk are pleased that some may find meaning in Jesus. What is the difference between finding happiness and the intentionality that Jesus calls us to in Luke 9:23?
- What level of effort do work, family, and hobbies require for you to be considered adequately involved? How about exceptionally involved? Do these compete or complement the level of participation Jesus compels?
Look In:
- What are some hurdles in your path toward full engagement with God?
- In Luke 9:23 self-denial is an effort that Jesus calls necessary for full engagement in His Kingdom. Why?
- Engaging as a disciple includes obedience (1 John 5:2-3), sacrifice (Romans 12:1), and humility (Colossians 3:12-17). What is the reward of engagement found in Matthew 11:28-29?
Live It Out:
- Find a worship song this week that compels your heart to worship God and therefore engage Him more fully.
- Read Mark 10:17-31 this week. Ponder the similarities you notice between this story and our culture.
- Consider two people you would like to pray for and intentionally engage with to help them in their journey of engaging with God. Send them a text, email or call with encouragement to connect with God.