Spiritual Practice of the Week: Self- Examination

Practicing Self-Examination

This week, commit to a process of self-examination about your work. This is a practice of submitting yourself to the Holy Spirit and asking him to make you aware of ways that you engage work in a way that dishonors God, others, and yourself. This could involve a brief reflection on the day before you head home and/or keeping a private journal or log of the things that God brings to mind throughout the days of the week. Think in terms of your relationships, words, actions, and attitudes.

  • Anxiety and fear
  • Greed or Pride
  • Anger and frustration
  • Attitudes about others
  • Gossip or speaking about coworkers without respect and love
  • Wasting time and slacking off
  • Misleading others (boss, clients, coworkers) — by lying outright or exaggerating
  • Missed opportunities to care for someone
  • Not resting and having boundaries from work
  • Not integrating the gospel
  • Service of self over others
  • Lack of mindfulness of God

Practicing Confession

In light of your self-examination, here are some simple practices of confession to engage in during the week:

  • At the end of each day, reflect back on the day and receive God’s forgiveness for ways you sinned in work.
  • As you practice confession at work more, simply confess things immediately as you recognize them in the moment.
  • Take the risk of confessing to another trusted Christian (see James 5:16). The goal of this is to deepen our honesty and hope for transformation with a friend.

Our hope is to have a deeper awareness of areas within us (i.e. the worker) that need Christ’s renewal, even as we join him in his “renewal of all things” (Colossians 1) through our work.