VIRTUAL Funtastic Saturday
Beat the winter blues! Join us for some BINGO fun on Saturday, Feb. 8 from 3-4pm via Zoom. Bingo cards are coming your way* with the monthly “Friendship Card” in late January. As time allows, there will be another activity.
Register for this event to receive the Zoom link (send 1-2 days prior to the event).
*We will be together as a group for the entire hours.
If you are not currently getting notifications about Funtastic Friday and Bridging Abilities event, but would like to be on the list and receive a Bingo Card, please email Judy:
Funtastic Friday is a program of the Bridging Abilities Ministry at NorthBridge Church. If you are interested in serving with this ministry please fill out this Volunteer Form or email: with any questions. You can find our Bridging Abilities Ministry on Facebook, too!
* NorthBridge Church is a fully accessible facility with accessible parking for cars and vans, and accessible restrooms all on one level.